我们的战略举措确保了制造业人才的输送. 中学生接触精密机械加工, 焊接, IT /网络安全, 机器人, 自动化/机电一体化, and advanced materials and later obtain industry recognized credentials in secondary school. 的 two-year technical college Precision Manufacturing Technology 取得大学学位和证书.

精密加工技术方案 取得大学学位和证书. Quality technician graduates sit for the American Society for Quality certification exam with a waiver of the two year industry training requirement due to the industrial flow cell training.  This industry flow cell concept expands into machining, 机器人, 焊接 and mechatronics. 帕特里克·亨利社区学院 100% passing rate on industry certifications for the 30+ year history of the 焊接 program.

的 吉恩哈斯综合加工中心 is a progressive precision machining training model that answers industry expressed needs for a highly skilled workforce. 学生将获得大学学位和6个行业证书. 的 capstone model is being extended for 焊接, mechatronics, and 机器人.  A manufacturing engineering program is also in final stages of development with Old Dominion University.







k - 12教育

冰球突破豪华版网页版公立学校 are Fully Accredited and have consistently proven to be among the state’s elite. 冰球突破豪华版网页版公立学校 is made up of six elementary schools and one high school and are ranked 9th in the state.

Patrick County participates in GO TEC Career Connections, career exploration for middle schools. Great Opportunities in Technology and Engineering Careers (GO TEC) can open the door to engineering and technology careers early.  的 GO TEC Career Connections program introduces students to five focus areas:  precision machining; 焊接; IT /网络安全; 机器人, automation and mechatronics; and advanced materials. Healthcare, identified as a regional priority, has also been included as a unit within the program.  了解更多



帕特里克亨利社区学院 (PHCC)为帕特里克各地的学生提供服务, 亨利和富兰克林县的双高中和职业生涯 & 技术教育. PHCC has been rated among the top ten Most Tech-Savvy community colleges in the country by the Center for Digital 教育. 最重要的是, industry or relevant third-party certificates are embedded in the curriculum of all academic programs as a means to enhance career readiness of graduates. PHCC在冰球突破豪华版网页版有一个卫星校区.

  • 将焊接项目扩展到冰球突破豪华版网页版卫星校区
  • 冰球突破豪华版网页版高中的焊接实验室
  • 冰球突破豪华版网页版的机电一体化实验室与西门子和费斯托工业4.0说明和认证
  • 被评为Festo工业卓越中心.0先进制造
  • 100% passing rate on industry certifications for the 30+ year history of the 焊接 program.


丹维尔社区学院 (DCC) is a two-year institution of higher education under the state-wide 维吉尼亚州 Community College System.  DCC提供应用科学副学士学位, Industrial Maintenance and Precision Integrated Machining pathways and Career Studies Certificates. DCC’s Regional Center for Advanced Training and Technology (RCATT) is a 24,000 sf facility that provides workforce development training in factory automation and 机器人. Programs include mechatronics, 机器人, hydraulics, pneumatics, PLC programming, and electronics. 该设施是发那科认证的机器人培训中心.


吉恩哈斯综合加工中心 is a progressive precision machining training model that answers industry expressed needs for a highly skilled 21st century workforce. 的 program is currently supported with over $1 Million in commitments from leading global technology companies and builds on existing Commonwealth and local investments in area secondary and community college advanced machining programs aimed at increasing the number of skilled workers in the Commonwealth. 的 program aims to integrate a “real-world” lean flow-cell manufacturing environment with such skills as tool management, 先进的测试和测量, 电火花加工, 电脑数控磨削, 计算机数控铣削, 计算机数控车削, 以及业务流程.



有超过34400名学生入学, 弗吉尼亚理工大学 是英联邦最大的大学之一吗, the 2nd largest university level transportation institute in US and a leading research center is a public, 赠地研究型大学,主校区位于布莱克斯堡, 维吉尼亚州. 弗吉尼亚理工大学在美国大学研究中排名第48位 冰球突破豪华版网页版有一小时的路程.  的 高性能制造中心 (正负校验)位于布莱克斯堡弗吉尼亚理工大学西北30英里处, conducts research and development of tools and technologies to help manufacturers become high-performance.


雷德福大学 综合性公立大学是10分吗,695 students that has received national recognition for many of its undergraduate and graduate academic programs, 以及它的可持续发展计划. 雷德福大学 离冰球突破豪华版网页版有一小时的路程 and serves the Commonwealth of 维吉尼亚州 and the nation through a wide range of academic, 文化, 人类服务和研究项目. 以其强大的师生关系而闻名, innovative use of technology in the learning environment and vibrant student life on a beautiful 204-acre American classical campus, 雷德福大学 offers students many opportunities to get involved and succeed in and out of the classroom. 



新书院书院 (NCI)先进制造中心提供技术教育, 生产培训, and consulting services that contribute to continuous workforce and technology development and business success. 他们的先进制造团队, 创新的解决方案, and low-cost pricing helps companies of all sizes access the training and pipeline development needed to remain economically competitive. In addition to college-level degree and certification programs through partner institutions such as 雷德福大学, 弗吉尼亚大学和弗吉尼亚联邦大学, NCI offers experiential learning opportunities such as the NCI Internship Program and regional cybersecurity and engineering competitions.


高等学习与研究所 (IALR)是区域经济转型的催化剂. IALR provides optimization of processes and launch space for manufacturing in the region as well as applied research and customized industry credentials. IALR’s Applied Research division includes: Analytical Chemistry, Advanced Materials, Life Sciences & 生物技术与精准农业. 的 Advanced Manufacturing division focuses on meeting and exceeding the optimization and workforce needs of new and existing industry.